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Tech stuff

April 28th, 2024

I’ve committed to building my own PC! And by committed I mean I bought the case and CPU so I’m already monetarily bound to the project. I have minor experience installing SSDs and RAM in laptops and doing minor stuff on game consoles. After some research I am fairly confident I can put together something that works. I’ve got my parts picked out and I’m going to buy them a few at a time so I can (hopefully) spread the cost out over 2-3 paychecks.

I’m not really looking to run AAA games at 4K speeds or anything. I just want something that’s fairly capable. My main laptop has been going crazy with constant fan cycling and is doing a poor job running games that are just 6 years old. I have other laptops and devices that work for portability (plus my work laptop) and if there’s a AAA game I want I’ll always opt for the PS5 port first. At the end of the day I just want something reliable that I use for like Blender, Cura and online games. Bonus points if it’s pink.

Also in the realm of tech, I was just typing a paragraph about how I want a really shitty digital camera but couldn’t find the right one when I tabbed over to ebay and found this and oooooooh my god.

It was an impulse purchase for sure but oooooohhh mannn. She is IT. The terrible novelty camera of my dreams. We'll see if I actually get photos off of it when it gets here.